Why SUVs are so Popular in Michigan and How Driving is Affected
It's never a surprise to see a full-sized SUV like the Ford Explorer Dearborn. In fact, full-sized vehicles of all types are popular in Michigan. Here are a few reasons for their popularity and how this affects the local driving landscape:
Michigan Disdains Small Cars
Though small cars do exist in the state, they're outnumbered by towering SUVs and other big vehicles. There are both practical and psychological reasons for this. From a practical standpoint, it's easier to avoid skidding on ice or getting stuck in snow when using a vehicle that's heavy enough to make good contact with the road. Psychologically, small car drivers feel vulnerable driving such vehicles around the big ones. These main factors ensure that there are plenty of Explorers and similar vehicles in Dearborn and other places in the state.
The Parking Spaces are Big
Many Michiganders don't realize that the state has big parking spaces until they go somewhere else and have trouble getting their vehicle into a slot. This sizing results from the fact that when big cars became hard to get, even bigger SUVs took their places. Astute store owners and strip mall operators soon realized that they'd have to allocate more space to each vehicle or else face increased liability due to accidents in their lots.
The Car Washes Can Handle Almost Anything
There's no need to worry about whether an Explorer can fit into an automated car wash in Dearborn. Everything of this nature is made with the expectation that SUVs will be coming through.
It's Easy to Find People Who Can Take a Load of People to an Event
Planning Girl Scout outings and similar functions is easier thanks to the number of people who own cars that can hold plenty of passengers. In fact, it's even easier than it was when big cars were the norm. That's because SUVs hold more passengers than any type of true car.
This fact is also great for companies who want people to carpool to corporate events. In these cases, the vehicle often has to share space with trade show displays, sales materials, demo products, and other things. It's possible to get an entire sales crew in along with the cargo, making the Ford Explorer an excellent double-duty hauler.
These are just some of the reasons SUVs are so popular in Michigan. Take one for a test drive to see how enjoyable they actually are.